Sermon Library
January 12, 2025Jesus Preaching in the Synagogue in Nazarethluke-418-19
January 1, 2025A Powerful Encouragement at the Beginning of the Yearisaiah-96bnew-years-day
December 31, 2024Enduring Wordspsalm-10226-28new-years-eve
December 29, 2024Jesus’ Circumcisionluke-221baptism
December 29, 2024Simeon’s Prophecyluke-234b-35
December 25, 2024The Word Made Fleshjohn-114christmas-day
December 25, 2024Nothing Impossible with God (2)luke-26-7christmas-day
December 22, 2024The Sacramentshc25-qa66-68heidelberg-catechism-11
December 22, 2024Nothing Impossible with God (1)luke-21-5advent
December 15, 2024The Author of Faithhc25-qa65heidelberg-catechism-11
December 15, 2024Advent for Josephmatthew-120-21advent
December 11, 2024The Long, First Twenty Years1-samuel-41a1-samuel
December 1, 2024Good Workshc24-qa62-64heidelberg-catechism-11
December 1, 2024A Given Advent Signisaiah-714advent
November 24, 2024Righteous Before Godhc23-qa61heidelberg-catechism-11
November 24, 2024The Shulamite of Solomon in her Fourfold Glorysong-of-solomon-610
November 21, 2024Delight Thyself also in the LORD; and He shall give thee the desires of thine heartpsalm-374wedding
November 17, 2024The Way to Become Righteous Before Godhc23-qa60heidelberg-catechism-11
November 17, 2024A Comforting Testimony for a Grieving Peopleisaiah-4916
November 13, 2024Samuel, the Prophet1-samuel-319-211-samuel
November 3, 2024The Blessing of being Righteous before Godhc23-qa59heidelberg-catechism-11
November 3, 2024Nevertheless2-timothy-219
October 31, 2024The Temple of the Lordjohn-213-22reformation-service
October 20, 2024Vengeance and Reconciliationhebrews-1224bbaptism
October 20, 2024The Comforting Article of Life Everlasting (2)hc22-qa58heidelberg-catechism-11
October 14, 2024Truly Acknowledging the Lordlamentations-322-23thanksgiving-day
October 14, 2024Two Brothers and Two Offeringsgenesis-43-5athanksgiving-day
October 13, 2024The Comforting Article of Life Everlasting (1)hc22-qa58heidelberg-catechism-11
October 13, 2024The Word of Jesus in the Country of the Gergesenesmatthew-832a
October 6, 2024The Comforting Resurrection of the Bodyhc22-qa57heidelberg-catechism-11
October 6, 2024Now, Not Later2-corinthians-62
September 22, 2024The Pilgrim on His Journeypsalm-847
September 22, 2024The Word of Faithromans-109-10public-confession-of-faith
September 15, 2024The Water of Life (2)revelations-2217post-communion
September 15, 2024The Water of Life (1)revelations-216holy-supper
September 12, 2024Living Waterjohn-414preparatory
September 8, 2024The Benefit of the Forgiveness of Sinshc21-qa56heidelberg-catechism-11
September 8, 2024The Desire of David’s Soulpsalm-421-2preparatory
September 1, 2024The Communion of Saintshc21-qa55heidelberg-catechism-11
August 25, 2024The Holy Catholic Christian Church (3)hc21-qa54heidelberg-catechism-11
August 25, 2024Jesus and the Leper (2)matthew-83-4
August 18, 2024The Holy Catholic Christian Church (2)hc21-qa54heidelberg-catechism-11
August 18, 2024Jesus and the Leper (1)matthew-82
August 11, 2024The Holy Catholic Christian Church (1)hc21-qa54heidelberg-catechism-11
August 11, 2024The Lord’s Wonders Shown to His People in Captivityezra-21baptism
August 9, 2024The Apostle’s Faithful Desire2-thessalonians-35wedding
August 4, 2024Believing in the Holy Ghost (2)hc20-qa53heidelberg-catechism-11
August 4, 2024The Lord’s Favour (6)psalm-236psalm-23
July 28, 2024Believing in the Holy Ghost (1)hc20-qa53heidelberg-catechism-11
July 28, 2024The Loving Kindness of My Lord (5)psalm-235psalm-23
July 24, 2024The Word of the Lord by Samuel1-samuel-317-181-samuel
July 21, 2024Faith Regarding Christ’s Return for the Last Judgementhc19-qa52heidelberg-catechism-11
July 14, 2024Christ Sitting on His Father’s Right Handhc19-qa50-51heidelberg-catechism-11
July 14, 2024The Nearness of My Faithful Shepherd (4)psalm-234psalm-23
July 7, 2024The Advantage of Christ’s Ascension Into Heavenhc18-qa49heidelberg-catechism-11
July 7, 2024The Guidance of My Faithful Shepherd (3)psalm-233psalm-23
June 30, 2024The Ascension of Christhc18-qa46-48heidelberg-catechism-11
June 30, 2024The Care of My Faithful Shepherd (2)psalm-232psalm-23
June 23, 2024The Profit of Christ’s Resurrectionhc17-qa45heidelberg-catechism-11
June 23, 2024The Love of My Faithful Shepherd (1)psalm-231psalm-23
June 19, 2024Samuel’s Calling1-samuel-38-101-samuel
June 16, 2024The Deepest Step of Christ’s Humiliationhc16-qa44heidelberg-catechism-11
June 16, 2024The True Believers Exhorted In The Spiritual Racehebrews-121-2
June 2, 2024Further Profit From Christ’s Deathhc16-qa43heidelberg-catechism-11
June 2, 2024Mercy for the Fatherlesshosea-144
May 26, 2024Christ Buriedhc16-qa41-42heidelberg-catechism-11
May 26, 2024An Encouraging Word for Ezekielezekiel-4710
May 22, 2024Sovereign Separation1-samuel-2261-samuel
May 19, 2024Peter’s Word on Pentecostacts-241pentecost
May 19, 2024Filled With The Holy Ghost, acts-24ainstallation-of-office-bearers pentecost
May 9, 2024The Apostles on Mount Olivetacts-110-11ascension-day
April 28, 2024A Psalm of Prayer and Praise (4)psalm-11614-19post-communion
April 28, 2024A Psalm of Prayer and Praise (3)psalm-11612-13holy-supper
April 25, 2024A Psalm of Prayer and Praise (2)psalm-1165-11preparatory
April 23, 2024De Geestelijke Pilgrimpsalm-1074-7
April 21, 2024A Psalm of Prayer and Praise (1)psalm-1161-4preparatory
April 21, 2024The Necessity and Profit of Christ’s Deathhc16-qa40heidelberg-catechism-11
April 14, 2024Christ Crucifiedhc15-qa39heidelberg-catechism-11
April 14, 2024Follow Thou Mejohn-2122bbaptism
April 3, 2024Funeral Service Elizabeth Linda Bolle (Joosse)psalm-63-4funeral
March 31, 2024Christ’s Appearance Unto Cephas1-corinthians-155easter
March 31, 2024The Fruit of Christ’s Resurrectionpsalm-1611easter
March 29, 2024Jesus’ Suffering on the Crossmatthew-2745-46good-friday
March 17, 2024Under Pontius Pilate the Judgehc15-qa38heidelberg-catechism-11
March 17, 2024Reconciliation2-corinthians-520-21passion
March 10, 2024The Only Propitiatory Sacrificehc15-qa37heidelberg-catechism-11
March 10, 2024Simon of Cyrene and Jesus’ Crossmatthew-2732passion
March 6, 2024A Prayer of Jobjob-292-3prayer-day
March 6, 2024A Prayer by the Men of Jericho2-kings-219-22prayer-day
March 3, 2024The Suffering of the Faithful Witnessmark-1455-61apassion
March 3, 2024Conceived by the Holy Ghost and Born of the Virgin Maryhc14-qa35-36heidelberg-catechism-11
February 25, 2024The Saviour’s Suffering as Suretyisaiah-535passion
February 25, 2024Faith in Jesus Christ as Lordhc13-qa34heidelberg-catechism-11
February 18, 2024The First Adam and the Second Adamromans-519passion
February 11, 2024Hitherto or A Sacrifice of Thanksgivingpsalm-7117-18
January 7, 2024Jesus’ Faithful Instructionmark-217baptism
January 1, 2024A Faithful Testimony Regarding the Most Necessary Blessingdeuteronomy-529new-years-day
December 31, 2023A Serious Admonition1-corinthians-729new-years-eve
December 31, 2023Annaluke-236-38
December 25, 2023But Maryluke-219christmas-day
December 25, 2023The Savior’s Wondrous Birthluke-26-7christmas-day
December 24, 2023A Gracious Advent Promise (2)2-samuel-231-4advent
December 24, 2023A Gracious Advent Promise (1)2-samuel-231-4advent
December 17, 2023Believing that Jesus Christ is the Son of Godhc13-qa33heidelberg-catechism-11
December 17, 2023The Lord’s Further Leadings in the Life of Elisabethluke-141-43advent
December 13, 2023The House of the Lord in Shiloh1-samuel-212-211-samuel
December 10, 2023A Christian (4)hc12-qa32heidelberg-catechism-11
December 10, 2023The Lord’s Dealings with Elisabethluke-124-25advent
November 29, 2023The Song of Hannah1-samuel-21-111-samuel
November 26, 2023An Acceptable Thank Offeringpsalm-11616-17post-communion
November 26, 2023Glad Tidings for the Daughter of Zionzechariah-911-12holy-supper
November 21, 2023The Mighty Terrible Tyrant and the Mighty One of Jacobisaiah-4924-26preparatory
November 19, 2023A Christian (3)hc12-qa32heidelberg-catechism-11
November 19, 2023The Servant of Israel’s Redeemerisaiah-498-9preparatory
October 31, 2023The Lord’s Watchman and the Lord’s Warningezekiel-317-21reformation-service
October 29, 2023A Christian (2)hc12-qa32heidelberg-catechism-11
October 29, 2023Encouragement in the Strifepsalm-229-10baptism
October 25, 2023The Birth of Samuel1-samuel-119-281-samuel
October 22, 2023God’s Sovereign, Gracious Manifestation1-john-49
October 22, 2023A Christian (1)hc12-qa32heidelberg-catechism-11
October 9, 2023Thanksgiving in Heavenrevelations-79-12thanksgiving-day
October 9, 2023Thanksgiving at the Feet of Jesusmatthew-266-13thanksgiving-day
October 8, 2023That Name Christ (4)hc12-qa31heidelberg-catechism-11
October 8, 2023A Certain Conquestproverbs-2122
October 1, 2023That Name Christ (3)hc12-qa31heidelberg-catechism-11
October 1, 2023True Conversionjob-3327-28
September 19, 2023Hannah (2)1-samuel-19-181-samuel
September 17, 2023Jesus’ Instruction about the Merchant Man (2)matthew-1345-46
September 17, 2023That Name Christ (2)hc12-qa31heidelberg-catechism-11
September 10, 2023That Name Christ (1)hc12-qa31heidelberg-catechism-11
September 10, 2023The Waters of the Red Seaexodus-1428-29baptism
September 6, 2023Elkanah (1)1-samuel-11-81-samuel
September 3, 2023The Only Saviourhc11-qa30heidelberg-catechism-11
September 3, 2023Jesus’ Instruction about the Merchant Man (1)matthew-1345-46
August 27, 2023The Name of Jesushc11-qa29heidelberg-catechism-11
August 27, 2023The Angel with the Everlasting Gospelrevelation-146-7
August 13, 2023The Advantage of Knowing God’s Providencehc10-qa28heidelberg-catechism-11
August 13, 2023A Precious Gospel Promiseisaiah-5411-12
July 23, 2023The Burning Bush Not Consumedexodus-32b
July 23, 2023God’s Providencehc10-qa27heidelberg-catechism-11
July 16, 2023A Remarkable Exclamation and the Saviour’s Proclamationluke-1415
July 16, 2023Faith in God the Father (2)hc9-qa26heidelberg-catechism-11
July 9, 2023Faith in God the Father (1)hc9-qa26heidelberg-catechism-11
July 9, 2023The Lord’s Gracious Workpsalm-1472-3
June 25, 2023The Holy Trinityhc8-qa24-25heidelberg-catechism-11
June 18, 2023The Sum of True Faith and the Confession of True Faithhc7-qa22-23heidelberg-catechism-11
June 18, 2023Peter’s Answer to the Jewish Counselacts-531-32
June 11, 2023The Gift of True Faith (2)hc7-qa21heidelberg-catechism-11
June 11, 2023God’s Word and God’s Spiritacts-41-4baptism
June 7, 2023An Encouraging Yet1-kings-1918
May 28, 2023God’s Wonders in the Last Days (2)acts-219-21pentecost
May 28, 2023God’s Wonders in the Last Days (1)acts-216-18pentecost
May 21, 2023The Promised Coming of the Holy Ghostjohn-737-39
May 21, 2023The Gift of True Faith (1)hc7-qa21heidelberg-catechism-11
May 18, 2023The Ascension of Christhebrews-924ascension-day
May 7, 2023Ruth’s Continued Gleaning on the Field of Boazruth-215-17post-communion
May 7, 2023Boaz and Ruth at Mealtimeruth-214holy-supper
May 3, 2023Further Dealings of Boaz with Ruthruth-211-13preparatory
April 30, 2023A Sincere Commending of the Brethrenacts-2032installation-of-office-bearers
April 30, 2023The First Meeting Between Boaz and Ruthruth-28-10preparatory
April 23, 2023The Need of True Faithhc7-qa20heidelberg-catechism-11
April 23, 2023And Thomas (2)john-2026-29
April 19, 2023A Solemn Warfareecclesiastes-88
April 16, 2023The Holy Gospel of the Mediatorhc6-qa19heidelberg-catechism-11
April 16, 2023But Thomas (1)john-2024-25
April 9, 2023The Rising of the Sun (1)mark-162easter
April 9, 2023The Rising of the Sun (2)matthew-288-10easter
April 7, 2023Jesus the Christ1-john-56good-friday
April 2, 2023The Holy Gospel of the Mediatorhc6-qa19heidelberg-catechism-11
April 2, 2023An Admonition of the Suffering Jesus Unto the Daughters of Jerusalemluke-2327-31passion
March 26, 2023The Only Qualified Mediatorhc6-qa18heidelberg-catechism-11
March 26, 2023Barabbas or Jesusmark-156-15passion
March 8, 2023A Forgotten Prayer Day (1)joshua-914prayer-day
March 8, 2023A Forgotten Prayer Day (2)joshua-914prayer-day
March 5, 2023Jesus on His Way of Sufferingjohn-1810-11passion
March 5, 2023The Only Qualified Mediatorhc6-qa18heidelberg-catechism-11
February 26, 2023Jesus and His Disciples Faced in Gethsemane with the Betrayer and his Bandjohn-187-9passion
February 26, 2023Four Requirements of the Mediatorhc6-qa16-17heidelberg-catechism-11
February 5, 2023The Requirements to Satisfy God’s Justicehc5-qa13-15heidelberg-catechism-11
February 5, 2023Jesus’ Profitable Dealings With His Disciples (2)john-619-21
February 1, 2023Zerubbabel, the Son of Shealtielhaggai-223
January 29, 2023The Beginning of a Sinner’s Deliverancehc5-qa12heidelberg-catechism-11
January 29, 2023Jesus’ Profitable Dealings With His Disciples (1)john-615-18
January 22, 2023The Prayer Life of the Canaanitish Womanmatthew-1521-28
January 18, 2023A Powerful Promise for the Weak and the Wearyisaiah-4031
January 15, 2023God’s Holy Justice Maintainedhc4-qa9-11heidelberg-catechism-11
January 15, 2023Nathanaeljohn-145-51
January 8, 2023John’s Preaching of Baptismmark-14baptism
January 8, 2023The Testimony of Paul about the Coming of Christ1-timothy-115installation-of-office-bearers
January 1, 2023Christ’s Care for His Churchmatthew-1618new-years-day
January 1, 2023The Origin of Our Miseryhc3-qa6-8heidelberg-catechism-11
December 31, 2022Four Chariots from Between Two Mountains of Brasszechariah-61-8zechariahnew-years-eve
December 25, 2022The Shepherds of Bethlehemluke-28-12christmas-day
December 25, 2022Glory to Godluke-213-14christmas-day
December 18, 2022His Name is John (1)luke-163advent
December 18, 2022His Name is John (2)luke-163advent
December 14, 2022The Last Years and Death of Josephgenesis-5022-26joseph
December 11, 2022The Right Beginning of the Knowledge of our Miseryhc2-qa3-5heidelberg-catechism-11
December 11, 2022Elizabeth Greeting Maryluke-142-45advent
November 27, 2022The Gospel Proclamationisaiah-554holy-supper
November 27, 2022The Gospel Salvationisaiah-555post-communion
November 23, 2022A Gospel Admonitionisaiah-552-3preparatory
November 20, 2022The Gospel Invitationisaiah-551preparatory
November 13, 2022The Truly Blessed Manpsalm-11-2public-confession-of-faith
October 30, 2022The Saviour’s Loving Command to His Peoplematthew-1128apreparatory
October 30, 2022The Word of the Lordjeremiah-3632reformation-service
October 26, 2022Joseph and His Brethren After Jacob’s Deathgenesis-5015-21joseph
October 23, 2022An Encouragement Unto Godlinesszechariah-56-7zechariah
October 23, 2022The Only Way to the Only Comfort in Life and Deathhc1-qa2heidelberg-catechism-11
October 16, 2022The Vision of the Flying Rollzechariah-51-4zechariah
October 16, 2022The Christian’s Only Comforthc1-qa1heidelberg-catechism-11
October 10, 2022A Stirring Up of God’s People in the End of Time2-peter-313-14thanksgiving-day
October 10, 2022The Blessing of True Thankfulnessgenesis-338-11thanksgiving-day
October 9, 2022The Hope That Is In You1-peter-315heidelberg-catechism-11
October 9, 2022The Comforting Close of the Fifth Night Visionzechariah-411-14zechariah
October 2, 2022The Lord’s Condescending Mercyzechariah-48-10zechariah
September 28, 2022Joseph and His Brethren Burying their Fathergenesis-501-14joseph
September 25, 2022The Close of the Lord’s Prayerhc52-qa128-129heidelberg-catechism-10
September 25, 2022By My Spiritzechariah-41-7zechariah
September 18, 2022A Prayer in the Spiritual Warfarehc52-qa127heidelberg-catechism-10
September 18, 2022Jesus and Little Childrenmatthew-1913-15baptism
September 11, 2022A Sure and Saving Promisezechariah-38-10zechariah
September 11, 2022A Petition for Pardonhc51-qa126heidelberg-catechism-10
September 4, 2022The Petition for our Daily Breadhc50-qa125heidelberg-catechism-10
September 4, 2022Be Ye Holyzechariah-35-7zechariah
August 28, 2022The Third Petitionhc49-qa124heidelberg-catechism-10
August 28, 2022A Change of Raiment for Joshuazechariah-31-4zechariah
August 21, 2022Reasons to Rejoicezechariah-210-13zechariah
August 17, 2022Joseph Blessed by Israelgenesis-4923-24joseph
August 14, 2022The Second Petitionhc48-qa123heidelberg-catechism-10
August 14, 2022A Wondrous Message of Sovereign Mercyzechariah-26-9zechariah
August 7, 2022The Man with the Measuring Linezechariah-21-5zechariah
August 7, 2022The Second Petitionhc48-qa123heidelberg-catechism-10
July 31, 2022Four Horns and Four Carpenterszechariah-118-21zechariah
July 24, 2022The First Petitionhc47-qa122heidelberg-catechism-10
July 17, 2022The Prophet’s Task and Messagezechariah-114-17zechariah
July 17, 2022God’s Dwelling Placeld46-qa121heidelberg-catechism-10
July 13, 2022Joseph Blessed by Israelgenesis-4922joseph
July 3, 2022The Address in the Lord’s Prayerhc46-qa120heidelberg-catechism-10
July 3, 2022Further Dealings of Comfort for a Comfortless Peoplezechariah-111-13zechariah
June 26, 2022The Beginning of the Night Visionszechariah-17-10zechariah
June 26, 2022Acceptable Prayerhc45-qa117-119heidelberg-catechism-10
June 19, 2022The Need of Prayer for Christianshc45-qa116heidelberg-catechism-10
June 19, 2022Peter’s Preaching in the Temple About the Covenantacts-325-26baptism
June 12, 2022Believing With All Our Heart1-john-415public-confession-of-faith
June 10, 2022But One Thing is Needfulluke-1042awedding
June 5, 2022The First Fruits of Pentecostacts-237-38pentecost
June 5, 2022The Pentecostal Signsacts-22-4pentecost
May 29, 2022The Lord’s Rightful Question to His Stewardsmatthew-2445installation-of-office-bearers
May 26, 2022The Lord’s Ascensionmark-1619ascension-day
May 22, 2022The Bride’s Upright Testimonysong-of-solomon-216-17post-communion
May 22, 2022The Bridegroom’s Precious Revelation of Himself Unto His Bridesong-of-solomon-21holy-supper
May 18, 2022The Loving Answer of the Bridegroomsong-of-solomon-18preparatory
May 15, 2022The Strict Preaching of God’s Holy Lawhc44-qa115heidelberg-catechism-10
May 15, 2022A Sincere Question of the Bridesong-of-solomon-17preparatory
February 10, 2021The Return to Canaan by Joseph’s Nine Brethrengenesis-4225-26joseph
February 7, 2021The Work of the Father’s Servantmatthew-1218-21
February 7, 2021Christ Sitting at His Fathers Right Handhc19qa50-51heidelberg-catechism-10
February 3, 2021Joseph’s Wise Dealings with his Ten Brethren – 14genesis-427joseph
January 24, 2021The Wonders In and Around Simon’s Shipluke-54-11
January 17, 2021More Comfort from the Ascended Christhc18qa48-49heidelberg-catechism-10
January 17, 2021Jesus’ Second Miracle in Cana of Galileejohn-446-53
January 13, 2021The Fulfillment of Pharaoh’s Dreams – 12genesis-4153-54joseph
January 10, 2021Comfort from the Ascended Saviourhc18qa46-47heidelberg-catechism-10
January 10, 2021The Wise Men from the East – 2matthew-211
January 3, 2021The Profit of Christ’s Resurrectionhc17qa45heidelberg-catechism-10
January 3, 2021The Wise Men from the East – 1matthew-21-2
January 1, 2021Encouraging Testimony in a Serious Timehabakkuk-317-18new-years-day
December 9, 2020The Beginning of Joseph’s Exultation – 10genesis-4114-16joseph
November 29, 2020An Advent Promise for Solomonpsalm-726-7advent
November 18, 2020The Dreams of the Butler and of the Baker – 9genesis-401-23joseph
November 4, 2020Joseph’s Temptations – 8genesis-397-23joseph
October 21, 2020Joseph in Potiphar’s House – 7genesis-391-6joseph
September 30, 2020That Coat of Many Colors – 6genesis-3729-36joseph
September 9, 2020Joseph’s Brethren – 5genesis-3718joseph
August 26, 2020Joseph’s Task – 4genesis-3717joseph
July 29, 2020Joseph’s Dreams – 3genesis-375-11joseph
June 24, 2020A Seventeen Year-Old Lad – 2genesis-371-4joseph
June 10, 2020The Lord’s Counsel – 1genesis-3022-24joseph
May 8, 2016Baptism with the Holy Ghost and with Firematthew-311cbaptism

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